
Lesson 4: Classroom Poster

Students will hand draw or use PowerPoint to design a poster incorporating all the information on energy they have worked on so far.

Students Prior Knowledge and Experience
Students have been exposed to the scientific concept of energy, work and power. They have looked at how chemical energy in food provides energy for our bodies and looked at the International System of Units or SI of Joules and Watts. It is also assumed that students have used the application PowerPoint before.

Learning Purposes and Links to Learning Area Outcomes and Aspects
This lesson is linked to science learning outcome Energy and Change. This outcome states that “Students understand the scientific concept of energy and explain that energy is vital to our existence and to our quality of life.”  It is also linked to science learning outcome Working Scientifically that refers to the skills and processes involved in science. (Department of Education and Training, 2008)

Preparation and Resources
Print off a class set of Activity Sheet 4. If using the software application PowerPoint for making posters, then students will need access to computers with this application. If students are hand drawing posters, one A3 sheet of paper per student.  Interactive white board with PowerPoint and internet access.

Learning Experiences
Students can work on this lesson individually or in groups of 2. Have students take out science note books and review energy Activity Sheets 1-3.

Main Body of Lesson
Hand out Activity Sheet 4 and read through with the class. Clarify any queries regarding work required and have students start on Activity Sheet.  Have the PowerPoint application on the interactive white board in case you need to  demonstrate how to set up the initial poster document, how to save, and to assist with queries.

Closure and Transition to Next Lesson
Have students save their presentation to a central place on the school server so they can be printed out.

Student Evaluation
Once posters have been printed out and displayed around the classroom posters, they can be assessed using a rubric by both the teacher and peers.

Activity Sheet 4 modified with materials from Glimpses of Science  (Connor, etal, 2010), Click 2  (Origin Energy,2010) and the Surfing Scientist  (ABC Science Online, 2006).

Image : Francesco Marino at